How to Mix and Match Tennis Skirts

Tennis skirts

Mixing and matching tennis skirts doesn’t have to be complicated.  You can start with a few basics and build from there. You can also expand your wardrobe when you know what style, length, and fit work best for your figure. Generally speaking, use a solid color for either your tennis skirt or your tennis shirt. The opposite piece of apparel can be colorful, bold, and even audacious. Patterned skirts look adorable with graphic tees and plain skirts can be spruced up with a fun tennis top. While many brands make tops and bottoms out of the same material or pattern, tennis outfits don’t need to match exactly.  In fact, you don’t even have to have the same brands anymore. Today’s tennis skirts are vibrant, multicolored, and a bit on the sassy side.  They can dictate your mood, boost your confidence, and send a statement to your opponent.

Tennis Skirts vs. Tennis Skorts

Tennis Skirts

There are only a few differences between a tennis skirt and a tennis skort.  The most significant is that a tennis skort has built-in shorties, while a tennis skirt does not.  Some tennis skirts come with a matching pair of shorts. Others are sold separately. If you have a solid pair of shorties to wear under a skirt, you’ll be in good shape. The undershorts should be tight enough to hold a ball or two.  They should also be flexible so they don’t inhibit movement, and thin enough for the skirt to go over the top, especially around the waist. One of the benefits of wearing a skort is that the shorties were designed with these things in mind.

Both tennis skirts and skorts have an athletic fit. They have other sporty features and are usually made of flexible, moisture-wicking material. They can also be wrinkle-free and easy to care for. Plus, manufacturers are getting creative when it comes to infusing modern-day qualities into their apparel. Some are using recycled materials. For example, Adidas uses Ocean Parley which diverts plastic water bottles from coastlines around the world.  Tail, Eleven, and Lucky in Love are building sun protection or UPF into their apparel. Nike, New Balance, and Sofibella are adding targeted ventilation points as well as technologies to keep players fresh and comfortable throughout their match.

Skirt Length

Tennis Skirt

Tennis skirt and skort lengths range between 11 inches and 15 inches. Typically speaking, they are measured from the top of the waistband to the bottom of the hemline in the back center of the skirt. The average length is 13.5 inches but can adjust with size. For instance, the difference between an extra small skirt and a large one is plus or minus half an inch. Each manufacturer adjusts its specs accordingly and some make no modification to the length.  It’s best to pick a length you feel most comfortable in. Taller players might prefer a longer skirt while shorter players will want to show off their legs. Either way, a pair of shorts under your skirt should put your mind at ease. Sometimes, the best method to determine your preferred length is by trial and error.

Style, Fit, and Color

tennis skirts

Whether you are looking for a tennis skirt or a tennis skort, there are a lot of styles and designs to choose from. One of the first things to consider is the shape. Popular designs include A-line, flounce, asymmetrical, circle, godet, dropped waist, and tiered. Pleats and ruffles offer additional style and nowadays, pockets can add a bit of pizzaz.

Once you find a style that looks good, be sure it’s the right fit.  If sprinting, jumping, and side-stepping around the court is part of your game, be sure to pick a skirt or skort that can support these types of movements.  A snug, more tailored fit will work well. Looser skirts can pose a threat to mobility and slow down your swing. The last thing you want in the middle of a point is a wardrobe malfunction. Ultimately, comfort is king. But color can proclaim victory. If you’re in a feisty mood, wear red. If you feel a connection with the earth, wear green or blue. And if you play in a league, wear your team colors with pride.  Remember to be daring and even brave when it comes to your wardrobe.

I suggest you start by looking at the huge selection at Pick something that moves you and you’ll be inspired to play your best!


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